Council Message: What We've Learned in 2020

Councilman Claude WellsBy Councilman Claude Wells

2020 has been a very challenging year where we have learned a lot about ourselves, our families, our neighbors and our community.

We found out we didn't have enough toilet paper (apparently) and that we didn't know how important social distancing and personal protective equipment (PPE) would play in our lives.

We have had a lot of challenges thrown our way trying to navigate through COVID-19 and learn how to keep our families safe while trying to keep some normalcy. High school graduations changed but ended up being fun and memorable.

The way we shop, the way we work, and how we dine has changed. And, of course the way we interact with each other. The hardest for some is how we celebrated our independence day summer celebrations. We made it through. A lot has changed. We are getting through these difficult times. More difficult for some than others because of job loss. Some lost loved ones and were not able to celebrate their lives like they would have chosen.

We have had peaceful protests, riots, and unrest in our capital city. We had residents calling for the defunding of our police departments in different parts of our state.

Just like Salt Lake City is not New York City. Riverton City is not Salt Lake City.

Our residents have reached out to show their love, concern, and support for our Riverton City police department. We have a little slice of paradise out here in the South Valley. Our people have handled some of the disappointments, changes and their own sacrifices with dignity, and we have come out well compared to many cities.

We are a special city! We have resilient people. We will continue to get through our personal struggles and challenges together.

In our community we appreciate our police force, their sacrifices, their professionalism, and their commitment to our city. At the end of the day, we just want our officers to go home to their families safe. We will continue to support them, and budget as needed for their growth and needs to do their jobs. More now than ever we need to support our police department.

One thing for sure is we will never forget 2020 and take the little things for granted any longer.

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