Council Message: Thanks to Our Retiring Employees

Spring is a time of change and it has brought change to Riverton City this year. This spring we had four wonderful employees make the decision to retire. Most of these employees have been long-time fixtures in our city and have been critical in helping us grow from a small agricultural community to the vibrant city we are today. It is the hard work and sacrifice of city employees which make Riverton such a great place to live and yet they often go unnoticed.

Virginia Loader and Joy Johnson retired from our city recorder’s office. They were the friendly faces and force behind elections, city meetings, legal transactions and a host of other areas. Duane Green retired from our water department, he was the guy making sure that when you turn on the tap, water comes out. When a geyser erupted in your neighborhood, he was on the scene working to make repairs. Marty Scheide retired from our parks department. The hours Riverton residents have spent on green fields, beautiful walks, and family activities have his mark on them.

Retiring Employees

Congratulations to each of them for their years of service. Thanks to all those who they left behind who continue to work so hard to build our community and make it a place where we can say, “We love where we live!”

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