Public Safety Message: Fireworks Information & Restrictions Map

Riverton Firework RestrictionsBy Chief Wade Watkins

This year will prove to be another challenging year for fireworks, especially with the current and anticipated weather behavior. Tools to support the safety of the community and minimize the risk of fire danger can be found on Unified Fire Authority’s website at

There you can find an interactive fireworks map that displays an updated view of Riverton City and other communities to ensure every citizen can have great situational awareness related to the appropriate areas to discharge legal fireworks. In Riverton, fireworks cannot be discharged anywhere east of 1300 W. They also cannot be discharged in canal or creek corridors, or at properties immediately adjacent to canal or creek corridors.

We all need to use extreme caution when using fireworks during the season. If high winds, precipitation, or other adverse weather conditions prevail fireworks discharge should be postponed or discontinued until weather conditions improve.

Important Dates to Remember
Vendors may sell Class C common state approved explosives as follows:

  • Beginning on June 24 and ending on July 25
  • Beginning on December 29 and ending on December 31
  • And 2 days before and on Chinese New Year’s Eve 

Dates for Legal Discharge
Discharge time for fireworks discharge changed:
2 days before, day of, and 1 day after July 4th and 24th.
(Changed from 14-day window to 8 days for discharge.)

Times for Legal Discharge
A person may discharge Class C common state approved explosives in the state as follows:

  • Between the hours of 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. beginning on July 2 and ending on July 5; and beginning on July 22 and ending on July 25 (Note: On July 4 and 24, the time of discharge is extended to 12 p.m. midnight.)
  • Beginning at 11 a.m. on December 31 and ending at 1 a.m. on the following day
  • Beginning at 11 a.m. the Chinese New Year’s Eve, ending at 1 a.m. on the following day

Please remember to visit for clarification on any of the above information and have a safe and fun summer!

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